path: root/l10n-vi/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/vi-x-KieuCu.[Chuan].aff
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-vi/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/vi-x-KieuCu.[Chuan].aff b/l10n-vi/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/vi-x-KieuCu.[Chuan].aff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17bef9a1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-vi/extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/vi-x-KieuCu.[Chuan].aff
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+TRY naohiugtcedmylrbvskpxqfjwzNAOHIUGTCEDMYLRBVSKPXQFJWZ-
+MAP 40
+MAP ảã
+MAP ẩẫ
+MAP ẳẵ
+MAP ẻẽ
+MAP ểễ
+MAP ỉĩ
+MAP ỏõ
+MAP ổỗ
+MAP ởỡ
+MAP ủũ
+MAP ửữ
+MAP ỷỹ
+MAP (iêu)(iu)(ưu)
+MAP (iếu)(íu)(ứu)
+MAP (iều)(ìu)(ừu)
+MAP (iểu)(ỉu)(ửu)
+MAP (iễu)(ĩu)(ữu)
+MAP (iệu)(ịu)(ựu)
+MAP (ịc)(ịch)
+MAP (íc)(ích)
+MAP aàảãáạ
+MAP ăằẳẵắặ
+MAP âầẩẫấậ
+MAP eèẻẽéẹ
+MAP êềểễếệ
+MAP iìỉĩíị
+MAP oòỏõóọ
+MAP ôồổỗốộ
+MAP ơờởỡớợ
+MAP uùủũúụ
+MAP ưừửữứự
+MAP yỳỷỹýỵ
+MAP aàảãáạăằẳẵắặâầẩẫấậ
+MAP eèẻẽéẹêềểễếệ
+MAP oòỏõóọôồổỗốộơờởỡớợ
+MAP uùủũúụưừửữứự
+MAP óòỏaàáả
+MAP óóỏeèéẻ
+MAP úùủụyýỳỷỵ
+MAP uưoờớỡởợ
+REP 20
+REP dz d
+REP ch tr
+REP d đ
+REP đ d
+REP d gi
+REP f ph
+REP g gh
+REP gh g
+REP gi d
+REP j g
+REP ng ngh
+REP ngh ng
+REP ou uo
+REP ou ươ
+REP uo ươ
+REP s x
+REP tr ch
+REP x s
+REP w qu
+REP z d